Running LCAParse

Preparing accession maps

Blast is capable of outputting the taxon ID of matches if a custom output format is specified. However for the default BlastTab and minimap2 outputs, it is necessary to map accession IDs to taxa using the NCBI accession2taxid data.

For speed and memory reasons, LCAParse uses a reformatted version of accession2taxid and you will need to create this file.

You can do this using the following command:

lcaparse -makemap -input /path/to/nucl_gb.accession2taxid -output /path/to/file_prefix -taxonomy /path/to/taxonomy_files


  • -input specifies the name of a nucl_gb.accession2taxid file
  • -output specifes a prefix to use for output filenames
  • -taxonomy specifies the directory containing NCBI taxonomy files (files needed are nodes.dmp and names.dmp)

lcaparse will output six files:

  • prefix_bacteria.txt - a mapping file between accession IDs and bacterial taxon IDs.
  • prefix_viruses.txt - a mapping file between accession IDs and viral taxon IDs.
  • prefix_archea.txt - a mapping file between accession IDs and archea taxon IDs.
  • prefix_eukaryota.txt - a mapping file between accession IDs and eukaryote taxon IDs.
  • preifx_other.txt - a mapping file between accession IDs and other taxon IDs.
  • prefix_unclassified.txt - a mapping file between accession IDs and unclassified taxons.

You can merge these files if you need to. For example, if you want a mapping file for bacteria and viruses:

cat map_bacteria.txt map_viruses.txt > map_bacvir.txt

Running LCAParse

To run, type a command of the form:

lcaparse -input filename.txt -output /path/to/output_prefix -taxonomy /path/to/taxonomy/dir -mapfile /path/to/mapfile.txt -format blasttab


  • -input specifies the name of an input Blast or minimap2 file
  • -output specifies the prefix for output LCA results. Two files will be generated - a output_summary.txt and an output_perread.txt.
  • -taxonomy specifies the directory containing NCBI taxonomy files (files needed are nodes.dmp and names.dmp)
  • -format specifies the input file format - either ‘nanook’, ‘blasttab’ or ‘PAF’.
  • -mapfile specifies the name of an accession map file created as detailed above. This is needed for blasttab and PAF format files.

Other options:

  • -maxhits specifies maximum number of hits to consider for given read (default 20)
  • -scorepercent specifies minimum score threshold as percentage of top score for given read (default 90)
  • -limitspecies limits taxonomy to species level (i.e. not strain)
  • -warnings will show warnings for missing accession IDs and taxa

The summary output file consists of four tab separated columns:

  • Read count
  • Percentage of all reads
  • Taxon ID
  • Taxon path
  • Taxon rank

The per read output file consists of three tab separate columns:

  • Read ID
  • Taxon ID
  • Taxon name
  • Taxon rank

Input formats

The ‘blasttab’ input file format is achieved using the Blast option:

-outfmt 6

The ‘blasttaxon’ format includes an additional taxa ID field and can be achieved using:

-outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore staxids'

The ‘nanook’ input file format also includes the subject title field:

-outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore stitle staxids'